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  • English
  • Euskara

La persona, lo primero. 

Navegamos a tu lado.

Castellano / Euskera / Inglés

  • Español
  • English
  • Euskara

La persona, lo primero. 

Navegamos a tu lado.

Tras conocer recientemente los resultados de la Evaluación de Diagnóstico en los que Erain destaca notablemente en los 3 idiomas con respecto a la media de Euskadi (ver noticia), conocemos ahora los resultados de los Exámenes Oficiales de Cambridge, de los que Erain es Centro Examinador.

En la imagen se puede apreciar el procentaje de alumnos que finalizan sus estudios con, al menos, B2 en inglés (First Certificate in English) y el procentaje que lo hace con un C1 (Advanced). Hay que añadir, que el 80% de nuestros alumnos obtiene estos títulos con los contenidos trabajados en clase, sin necesidad de acudir a academias para preparar dichos exámenes.

En el siguiente artículo, el alumno Javier Ormazabal (1º Bachillerato), nos cuenta su experiencia en los exámenes que se realizaron en el colegio el pasado mes de abril.

This year, as usual, there has been a couple of students, brave enough to face the challenging exams of Cambridge.

The youngest ones, pupils of 2nd ESO (25% of the class) have ventured into the English language by doing the PET exam, which is far from being an easy task. When it comes to tall orders, thirteen Erain students have taken the chance to get the First Certificate in English, among whom four pupils have, amazing as it may seem, the age of 14-15. Moreover, almost half 4th ESO is now waiting for the results, waiting to achieve this professional title. But now, lets talk about the real knights, the truly valiant soldiers whose experience and wits have enabled them to turn from apprentices to masters of English: the students of Bachillerato. They may not lead the power of the dark side, yet at least enough force is with them, as they have overcome their fears and done the Cambridge Advanced Exam.

I have to speak of my experience and admit that this tough world is full of necessary and persistent practice, cheer-ups and let-downs. However, lets just take joy and hope this brilliant students will achieve their breakthroughs. Good luck and congratulations!