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La persona, lo primero. 

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La persona, lo primero. 

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The educational group COAS is firmly committed to the development of innovative solutions to the educational challenges of the present.


We all know that innovation contributes to novelty and this has to be aimed at bringing about improvement. If we can adapt effectively to the challenges that face us from the new education, it is thanks to the work of the Pedagogic Department of the Educational Group COAS, – comprised of the didactic departments, the technical sub-directors and the pedagogic coordinator – which, besides their role as the permanent observatory, have been integrating methodologies and innovative resources into their curricular projects.


We also have the permanent advice of noted experts in pedagogy, neurology, languages, mathematics, human rights, theology and TIC of different teaching centres from all over the world. We highlight: Harvard University, the National Centre for Teaching Thinking of Boston, the University of Navarra, and the Medical Institute for Infant Development of Barcelona, the University Centre Villanueva, and the National Teaching School of the University of Deusto, the British Council and the French Embassy.


The main environments in which we apply innovation are:

1) Innovation in the study plans where the objective is the student’s overall education which focuses on (knowledge, skills, attitudes and values)
2) Innovation in the educational process which implies the learning process, teaching process, teacher training, resources and materials.
3) Innovation in the use of ICT (information and communication technologies) and of their application in the educational process.

Read all the Pedagogic news here:

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