• Español
  • English
  • Euskara

La persona, lo primero. 

Navegamos a tu lado.

La persona, lo primero. 

Navegamos a tu lado.

(Written by Eduardo Sanjurjo, 1º Bach)

Just a few days ago, we had an english lesson with some changes, like the way of giving class, or who came to give our engish class. I also feel lucky because this situations happen very few times. In just a few lines, I will write how the experience was.


First of all, this English lesson was made posible by Cambridge English, and all this lesson was planned by them, which means that a teacher came precisely to our school just to give us a class.

This was something that happened to me by chance, because none of High School students expected this. After all, the lesson started. The teacher wanted to work in groups, because it was a sort of ´´English Challenge“. Thanks to some riddles and quiz questions, we learned how to be organised by teams, we could speak correctly english and some general knowledge for some people from a non-english speaking country.

Nowadays, English is the language which is used for comunicate around the world, you must learn it correctly unless you don´t care or your goals for your future are not in touch with the outside world.

In conclusion, Cambridge came to my school and give a lesson to us in an easy way, with a topic, working in groups and using the language. However, to put into practice this way of teaching, there must be a minimun knowledge of the language.