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  • Euskara

La persona, lo primero. 

Navegamos a tu lado.

La persona, lo primero. 

Navegamos a tu lado.

Each school has an AMYPA (Association of Mothers and Fathers of Students) legally constituted, and whose operation is governed by its articles of association.


Each association is integrated into a federation at Autonomous Regional level, FAPAE in the Basque country, and FAPACE in La Rioja and into a confederation at state level (COFAPA). These federations are also integrated into the EPA (European Parent Association), to which more than 10 million European families belong.


Among their functions we may mention:

1- to encourage parents to cooperate with the school in reaching the goals set out in their educational projects.

2- to facilitate orientation activities that may help parents with educational tasks: courses of family orientation, conferences, etc

3- to channel initiatives and the parents’ suggestions for the improvement of the school´s functions, always respecting the autonomy of the school board on matters of technical organization, teaching activities, and other functions related to their duties.

4- To help in the organization and the development of activities that are complementary to student education.

5- to promote and provide funding for activities that promote integrated education, as laid out in the Ideario and the educational plan for the school.